What to do when you’re stuck between the success you’ve built and the inspiration you’re missing…

What do you do when… you’ve become a brand and lost touch with the person behind it? When maintaining your success replaced the joy of fulfilling it? When the strategy you created starts to feel like a straightjacket?

It’s time, my dear, to fall in love with coaching again.

This talk is inspired by a dear client of mine - Me.

From first hand experience, growing a coaching business can get…loud. And I’ll admit, even though I try my very best, there have been seasons of my life where the growth of entrepreneurship became all encompassing - addicting even.

Bottomless content. Post this, do that. Incessant income elevation. I was made for this. Measurable skill development. Look at the numbers! Daily selling. Boom. Flashy funnel tweaks. It’s working, but something is still missing. Be more specific. What do I need to say today so that I can fill this spot? More programs. Is this even fun anymore?

And I believe that’s necessary. But I also believe a few other things to be true:

1) Great business is innate to great coaches

2) But great coaches who don’t love the art of business won’t have great businesses

3) And great coaches still have to work at having great businesses, but the roads just feels more…obvious

We love the art of entrepreneurship, but it’s not our gravity. The art of business is endless possibility. It’s what allows us to be visionaries & live in the clouds like a rogue balloon. But what keeps you grounded - from floating away?

Coaching. And your love of the art.

It’s your anchor to endless possibility - the medium that allows you to actually fulfill all that great entrepreneurial vision. Your business can only grow proportionate to your love of doing the work that you’re selling. When all feels lost, stop going to your strategy to find answers. This is an obvious time where inspiration and connection are necessary to take your business to that next level.

Be a newbie again

Do you remember what it felt like to onboard your first private client? To lead your first coaching program? To learn something new for the first time? When was the last time that you left a client session thinking, “We both got better today” instead of just “On to the next”?

I can’t speak for you, but I built this business because I had 2 dreams:

1) Wake up everyday to do what I love with who I love

2) Make a boatload of money to learn and do great work because of it

A Day 1 mentality is necessary. Can you start looking at your business with child-like eyes again? What magic is right in front of you?

Find gaps in your skillset that are blocking business growth

Humans are notoriously bad at being able to tell the difference between what they think & feel is happening and what is actually happening. Until we get honest and to the root of the problem, most of our perceived solutions end up just being distractions. For example, a plateau in Mastermind sales might not be a content or funnel problem at all…it could entirely be due to the fact that your coaching style or desires have changed and now the container needs to shift to accomodate these desires.

Trying to hold onto the past when you (or the container) have so obviously evolved is a sign that what you really need is coaching intimacy, not strategy intensity. So, go to your craft to find answers and make necessary revisions to your strategy without having to overhaul it or delete entirely:

Are there certain problems that your clients are experiencing that you feel uncomfortable with? What is required of you to mend this gap moving forward?

Are there skills that you’ve stopped developing or taken for granted?

Are emotions getting in the way more than they used to?

Are you preaching, but not practicing?

Do you have a new vision for you business, but lack some of the coaching skills to get there?

Michael Jordan was the best basketball player in the world. And even after 2 retirements, his teammates reported him staying after practice to meticulously perfect footwork and mid-range jump shots. Why? Because he refused to lose his edge to younger competitors, despite being a vet. Don’t ever stop practicing like Michael Jordan.

Measure You up against…You

You have to be selfish to be a good coach & evolving coach.

You can want the best for your clients, but if you’re not performing at your best then it’s impossible to get the best for them. We’re never going to achieve perfect - and that’s not the goal - but we can wake up every day and achieve our best. The only way to do that is to have an accurate way to measure it.

It’s you against you. I have 2 self-coaching scorecards that I used daily in my business:

1) Coffee, Concept & Self-Coaching Scorecard: This one is for my metaphysical, entrepreneurial development. It gives me an honest way to analyze my business strategically, spiritually, mentally, and emotionally. I don’t get blinded by what I think or feel is happening because I always know what’s happening. I don’t have my finger on the pulse…I control the whole heartbeat.

2) Coaching in Reverse Scorecard: This is how I measure my development as a coach. Even after 5 years of coaching, I spend 15m after every coaching session analyzing: what we accomplished, where/if I got triggered, what my client’s blocks were and how exactly I got to the root problem, things I wish I would’ve done better, things I will integrate or practice next session, what made me curious, what I learned about my client, what I’d like to learn, & what I rate the session.

(p.s. You can access my Coaching in Reverse Scorecard by downloading Coffee, Concept & Self-Coaching Scorecard)

I’m able to lead infinitely better client sessions week-after-week and month-after-month.

When you know what you’re measuring, it’s easy to keep winning.

And that’s the recipe for happy clients, happy coaches, & lifelong partnerships.

Go where the inspiration is intimate

Can you inspire yourself instead of needing someone or something else to do it for you?

A foolproof way to do this is by leading infinitely better sessions week after week.

Laying in bed at the end of the day feeling like you lit the world on fire? That’s a result of acknowledging how you got better today instead of focusing on what didn’t happen. Finding creative solutions to new problems? That’s a result of getting getting to the heart instead of feeling for the pulse. Feeling fulfilled in every season of business? That’s a result of working on what fulfills you instead of what you think will when it works.

Stay open, stay curious, and indulge in what’s right in front of you. Everything you want is so much closer (& more delicious) than you think.

It might be time for you to indulge in a creative performance partner. Someone who can help you: stay at the top of your game (even in seasons of transition), access creative solutions in areas where there was previously lack and scarcity, create boatloads of certainty in seasons of uncertainty, find your unique way of creating epic results in everything you touch, getting past failure (fast), evolving beyond old level boredom, and just living better in general.

When you’re ready to indulge & access your greatest resource and ally, I’m here for you.


Episode 11: Is culture a trigger word? From corporate kitchens and managerial leadership to personal brands and intuitive leadership w/ Jordan Godard


Episode 10: Overcoming inertia when a beloved (or necessary) project failed